Goal setting is one of the hardest things you can do. I see clients who struggle the most with creating a goal that they can clearly come up with to work towards their bigger picture. Does that sound like you? Let's talk about setting goals that will set you up for success and how to do that.
When you think of goal setting, what do you think of? Is it something you can do quickly? Do you need to spend some time doing it? Should you struggle with it? Does it come easy? These are the things you need to think about first. It should always be a thought of, "what do I want to achieve when goal setting," and then you can get a sense of how to start. But, first things first, you need a blank page and you need to brain dump your big picture. Where do you want to be in 30-60-90-365 days? Show yourself that picture.
After that, you can start setting your actual goals. These goals that you set need to follow 5 guidelines that make sure your goal is really a goal and not a- pipe dream. These guidelines are called, SMART goals. Using this tool will give you a real sense of your goals and how they pertain to your bigger picture. Also, they will set you up for success. Are you ready to dive in to each guideline?
The 'S' guideline is, SPECIFIC. Specific goals make you more likely to achieve the goal because you know exactly what it correlates to in your bigger picture. A goal that you can often ask more how questions to means you need to get more detailed and specific in your actual goal. Something like, "increase website traffic," is a non-specific goal because I can ask you, "okay, how will you do that?" A goal such as, "I want to wake up earlier to have more time for my morning routine," is a specific goal. You know exactly how and why you want to get up earlier and your goal says it. When setting your goal, make sure you think of the how & why!
The 'M' guideline is MEASURABLE. When thinking of your goal there is something you need to always keep in mind, how you will document and track your goals. Are you tally marking certain things? Do you have a daily checklist? How will you know that you are creating a new habit and working towards your goal? Always be sure that there is a way to track your progress. If you cannot track it, the goal isn't there. If you do not know that you are doing all the steps needed to fulfill the task and growth, you are not actually working on a goal.
The 'A' guideline is ATTAINABLE. This one is pretty easy and quick to talk about. The goal you are trying to set for yourself, is it actually attainable for you? Can you reach your goal in a designated time and actually complete the real work that goes into it? If you can, great! If you can't, then the goal you are setting is not attainable for you.
The 'R' guideline is a two-named one, RELEVANT and REALISTIC. Does your goal actually relate to your big picture? Will it help you get there? If not, it most likely is not a relevant goal. A relevant goal means it pertains to your big picture. Can you actually reach the goals you are setting or are the pipe dreams coming out? If your goals are something like, "I'll be a trillionaire in 6 months," you are setting up pipe dreams. (Unless you really are that close to being it.) Your goals should always be something you can actually achieve. Making sure along the way you are doing things to further your goals will keep your goals relevant and realistic.
The 'T' guideline is TIME. Time is thinking about when and how long you want to give yourself to reach your goal. Will you be able to achieve said goal within the 30-60-90-365 days? If not, you will have to think about a new goal because you need to be able to have a time line. Same if you are giving yourself longer. However long you give yourself is how long a goal should take. If it takes less time, good for you! But, it should not have to take longer. Time is your deadline that you need to meet to be successful with your goals.
Don't forget to set up your action plan. How do you plan to achieve the goal you've set? This is the blueprint of your work towards your goal. The breakdown of each step to the reward, goal achieved. You can do th