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Back-to-Basics- Wellness!

Writer: Coastal Waters CoachingCoastal Waters Coaching

Wellness is something we tend to forget about or put on the back burner a lot. Why do we do that? It has to do with our constant state of activity. The forgetfulness of ourselves over jobs, family, friends, and everything else in between is where we lose ourselves and our wellness. Today, we are going to talk about getting back to basics on our wellness and how we can do each one with more intention to be successful!

First thing we can and need to do is to embrace nature. Embrace the sun and the vitamin D we get. Did you know that getting outside for even 5-15 minutes 2-3 days a week Vitamin D helps with your blood cells,immune system, bone health , absorbing nutrients like calcium and phosphorus. Sunlight can improve cortisol levels, diminish stress and increases endorphins! The physical change from those things can lead to better blood pressure and a lower heart rate. Grounding is a huge part of this step. Stand in the grass and let the sun hit your face. Close your eyes and listen to the world around you. Become one with nature for the time you are there.

Next, is adding a wholesome diet to your meals is a great way to increase your intentional wellness plan. Adding greens, whole foods, lean proteins, and changing your choices. Greens to add into your diet should be: spinach, romaine, kale, arugula, and watercress. These add in your vitamin A,C, & K to your diet. Sprouted Legumes are great to add at well! Whole foods that are added should be things that are very minimally processed like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts & seeds. (Free of fat, sugar, salt, additives, and preservatives.) Lean proteins such as egg, lentils, chicken breast, Greek yogurt, tuna, shrimp, edemame, salmon and more are great ways to get that high protein with little fat intake. Adults should only get about 20-35% of their daily intake of calories from fat. ( 2,000 calorie diet means 45-78 grams of fat PER DAY!) Changing your choices in general will be how you can intentionally have a wholesome diet to benefit your wellness. Also, utilize meal prepping! You will set yourself up for success that way!

Have you tried adding in herbal teas? Teas like chamomile, peppermint, ginger, hibiscus, echinacea, rooibos, sage,and lemon balm are the healthiest teas for you. These teas can do everything from help calm the body to relieving things such as nausea and fights illnesses! The truly best part about herbal teas as long as you are not allergic to the plants, you can drink all the teas you want- DAILY! I definintely recommend finding fair trade sources for teas or prepackages brands like Traditional Medicinals, Yogi, and Bigelow. Tea time is a great time to step outside or enjoy a book! Just be in the moment!

A great wellness opportunity is focusing on the human connection. Whether it is a phone call, lunch with friends, or even just a chat on a messaging platform. Any way you can have the interaction with people is a huge endorphin release. The dopamine and calming effects it has on people is astronomical in the amount of help it truly gives your intentional wellness. Now, always be sure that the connections you are making are giving you joy. Do not have the fight or argument for the sake of connection. Be intentional about it and protect your peace.

Here is one that I am terrible about doing. Simplify your routine. Stop doing all the things because an influencer or ad told you to. Streamline that routine to what you need and what will maximize your time and efficiency. The less steps and less you have to remember to do is so much better and healthier for you. Give yourself a time limit. Tell yourself, okay, what can I get done in the 15 minutes I'm giving myself? How can your make your showers more efficient? How can you maximize your time? Remember, so what you had to move something to a different time? You will still and can, get it done!

Last thing to add and be intentional about it your daily gratitude. Write down 3 things each day you are grateful for. One as soon as you get up, one around lunch time, and one before bed. Before bed, you should focus on something that day you were grateful for or the event you were grateful for. Writing down your gratitude will help you later for the hard days. You can always go back and read what you wrote to remind you of the gratitude you have. Being intentional about it will make it go further in your life, make an actual impact, and set you up for true success.

Please, when adding in different teas, supplements, or changing your exercise, remember to consult your doctor first. This is NOT medical advice. These are just things and ways to be more intentional about your wellness. Wellness is a vital part in your body, mind,and spiritual health. You need to focus on it in ever aspect and keep the intention. 21 days make a habit. Try these things for 21 days and see what happens!

What else would you focus on for wellness?



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