You sit down to do something you know you need to get done. Yet, you find yourself getting sidetracked by this, that, and other things. Is it hard to overcome that track? Yes! Is there ways not to do it? HECK YES!! I've got 5 tips to help you have better self discipline at all times.
Acknowledge Your Weakness.
Knowing you have a weakness in self discipline is the best place to start. Don't they always say, acknowledging is the first step to conquring your problems? Well, it's no different here. Finding and understanding your weakness is going to allow you to better help yourself! The best way to find your weakness is to look at everything as a whole and break it down into categories. Then, list those categories from the most important to the least important. Your Weakness is two parts- what keeps you from doing the most important things but also, what keeps you from doing the not so important things!
2. Remove Temptations
You know exactly what these are. Social Media, TV, Phones, etc. There are always things that are tempting us to do those things versus actually being productive to have time later to do those other things. Lock them up, put then elsewhere, but keep them out of sight. It's true, out of sight out of mind. Temptation will win every time it is there. So, get rid of it!!
3. Create a Clear Plan
Planning sounds so silly, but holy moly does it work. If you plan ahead to do what you need to do, you WILL get things done! Block your time to be able to give yourself a "deadline" to meet on tasks. This way, you know when it needs to be completed and how much time you have. Plan ahead for bill schedules, important dates, and time blocks. Once you create time blocks, add in your categories from important to least important. If you only really make it through some tasks that day, the ones you didn't get to will roll over to the next day. This cycle continues whether you have to add things in or move things around to fit the really important things. Keeping the cycle will create routine and structure to your life.
4. Practice Being Uncomfortable
We all know what this means. Get out of your comfort zone and try something new. Being uncomfortable means you are growing!! Growth is huge in any mental health journey. Practicing is a great tool in learning how much you need to push yourself and how much you truly can. Doing this will help keep you accountable and on the right track. If you can do something uncomfortable to you, you certainly can do the comfortable.
5. Vizualize & Reap Rewards
By following the previous 4 steps, you will be on the road to achieving greatness and self discipline. What would the rewardsook like to you? Structure? Smoother life? Growth? Better mental health? There is a reward for you, and achieving it will take your focus and discipline. When you see the rewards and know what you are working towards, you will be more motivated to get there. And, when you do get there, the rewards will be even greater than you thought! Take those rewards and enjoy them! They are there to excite you, bring you happiness & joy, and help you live your best life!
These 5 tips are here for you if and when you need them. You can't move forward without a plan, and this here is how we plan. Im so happy to put these together for you. I truly hope these help as a starting point for you and your journey!
So, what other tips would you add?