In life, we usually follow a set of rules, right? Well, what if those rules were more like guidelines and we weren't supposed to live them as 110% rules? it would be like we were living a total lie. Like, women should never leave the house without a full face of make-up- YIKES! Or even, The Woman's place is in the kitchen, laundry room, bedroom, or tending to the children- NOT TODAY! Today's world is so different from those before us. Today, we are going to look at two LIES & 1 TRUTH.
But, before we talk about them, did you know in the 1800's there was a set of books called The Moral Encyclopedia? The 3rd Volume was called: Varlé's Self-instructor, No. 3, in Literature, Duties of Life, and Rules of Good Breeding: Interspersed with Popular Quotations, Mottos, Maxims, and Adages, in Latin and Other Languages : Also with the French Words Generally Met with in Newspapers, and Works of Taste and Fancy, Faithfully Translated . There was a section in said book called: Rules of Behavior For Young Ladies. Basically, a list of the Do's & Don'ts of how to be a lady back then. Let me tell you- SO SAD & Highly terrible. Okay, now let's get those those Lies and the truth!
Lie #1: You Need to Hide Your Feelings Because, No One Cares About Your Issues.
Gosh- can you imagine struggling mentally or needing help with managing depression, understanding your anxiety, or something more? The mentality back then was to keep your issues quiet and only praise the positive. Well, THAT'S NOT TRUE!
I read a quote the other day:
"I tell my story because my journey could end up as someone's survival guide!"
How true is that! You never know how your journey through a Mental Health Crisis can help someone else. But, It can help anyone and everyone.
By hiding your feelings and your struggles, you are in turn digging yourself into a deeper hole. You are creating more hurt and allowing yourself to spiral into a deep depression/ mental health crisis. That hole leads to job loss, home foreclosures, repossessions, loss of friends, and so much more. DON'T DO THE HARM! Just, DON'T DO IT! SHARE those feelings- There are many people out there who DO care! Relieve the stress, anxiety, and self-sabotage. Be transparent at all times.
(IF YOU ARE SUICIDAL, CALL 9-1-1 or the National Suicide Hotline: (800) 273-8255)
Lies #2: Self-Care and Personal Development is Selfish & Unnecessary.
Many of the older generations will tell you, they never did any type of Self-Care or Personal Development. It was never expected of them or given to them. They will tell you that you shouldn't have to deal with either of those things to keep you happy in your life. (Little did they know that their girl's nights, getting their hair done, & Avon Make-Up was all Self-Care.)
But, HOLY HECK is it truly good for you, your life, and your Mental Health! By doing Self-Care and Personal Development, you are allowing your mind to relax and learn new things on how to live a more fulfilled and happy life.
Focusing on yourself a bit is not selfish either. That focus allows you to be in a better mindset which in turn makes you a better Child, Spouse, Parents, Friend, and overall person. Better mindsets creates a better outlook, which increases positivity, which makes life SO MUCH BETTER and EASIER TO LIVE! Even with just 1 hour of each, Self-Care & Personal-Development, you learn new coping mechanisms that was positive, what is in your own heart, and find new confidence and bravery to use your voice and your life to make changes. If you haven't started doing it- START NOW!!
The Truth: IT IS 110% OKAY TO BE JUST YOU!
Life is all about authenticity and transparency. If you live your life in that way, you will be just fine in this life. You were NOT made to be like everyone else. You were made to be YOU and to bring that difference to light and compliment others. It is OKAY to just be you and bring your personality, thoughts, views, and everything in between to the table. NEVER let others tell you otherwise. as Dr. Seuss said,
"Today you are YOU, that's truer than true. There is no one alive that's YOU-ER than YOU!"
He taught us many Life Lessons, but this one takes the CAKE! You are the only you this world needs & wants. So, JUST BE YOU! Your complimenting friends depend on you and they are out there waiting- I PROMISE!
So, what do you think about those 2 Lies & the Truth? Pretty awe-inspiring, right? A great perspective on a few of the Rules of Life. I hope you enjoy them and they help you live the life you want! Whether you are ready now or not, you can do it!
"Be yourself, everyone else is already taken." -Oscar Wilde